Disclaimer: This is not a sponsored content. This blog is just to help clients to evaluate whether they can use DESelect or not.
When it comes to App Exchange / Add On in Marketing cloud, there are only a few products available. There will be even less products which will be applicable / works for all industries. One of those can be DESelect.
Imagine you as a marketer or campaign manager, where you are running on a tight deadline to send out a campaign which you know if you run the campaign, you will get a better ROI (Return On Investment).
You have made a nice content and cool looking email and you are waiting for the data team to get the data. But the data team is already packed with other activities. Since you didn't get the data on right time you lose your market and your competitor grabs your opportunity.
That is the reason tools like DESelect exist now! This avoids the dependency on data team/ developers , as a marketer you can modify / update the data according to your need.
DESelect eliminates the native SQL query and provides intuitive drag n drop which helps easy for marketers to modify / update the data in data extension.
Simple Demo:
I have 2 products, I would like to send an email where a customer has purchased both the products.
Below is the screenshot of 2 data extensions:
Test Master Product A Data extension has 7+ Million records.
Test Master Product B Data extension has 4+ Million records.

Once the DESelect team has installed the package you can access it by going into App Exchange > DESelect.
Drag and drop from the available data extension

You can join another data extension by drag and drop.
Below screenshot, provides a great visualisation of how the data want to be? As a non-SQL developer you can easily understand how you want the data look like.

Once you click on run DESelect will give the count of records in their overview screen.

Below is the record which got populated in data extension. So there are 600K + records which I have bought both Product A and B and I can use it to send an email.

Behind the Scene:
Once you click on run in DESelect. It is creating a SQL query automatically based on your selection! Isn't it cool!
If you want to automate the selection then you can simply add the SQL query into the automation and schedule it.

And to populate the record count in data extension, it is creating one more query and populating the count in DESelect.

Note: The below points are made as of 28/04/2020. DESelect team is making a monthly release. So, many of the below points might not be valid in future. Please visit the DESelect release page for updated information.
It's a paid App. Please check the pricing and editions on DESelect site.
You are able to access the synchronised data extension from DESelect.
30 min query timeout is applicable to DESelect . Since it runs the query on SFMC platform.
Salient Features of DESelect:
You can just join 2 or more data extensions by just simply drag and drop. You don't have to be a 'PRO' in SQL.
No scope of error unless you are doing a wrong selection. Data will be 100 % correct.
All data views are readily available.
You don't have to manually create data extensions and all attributes. You can just create it via DESelect while running the query.
Before running the query, you can able to preview the records and you can match if the selection which you have made is right or wrong. You don't have to run the tool if you are not confident. Your colleague can able to check if the selection is right by preview and run the tool
Let's say you have 100's of data extension, you can choose which folders DEselect can look into it.
All the 'Where' criteria (like relative date picker, contains,is empty etc.. ) are supported.
DESelect Resources:
I tried to put all my points of DESelect in relation with the marketing cloud. Please comment if I have missed anything.
Please reach out to the DESelect Team if you have any questions.